Friday 29 October 2010

a different side of Biology.

Biology really got me thinking. Well maybe not Biology itself. Okay I mean it's really interesting to get to know what alcohol does to the brain or how the addictions work.. Did you know that video games after a while really are addictive the same way as drugs? I thought it was only a "myth". 
Anyway, so apart from all these interesting things I learned this past week of studying for my test (which was today), and after missing it because my alarm didn't ring, I understood something else. 
First of all technology can be really helpful but not always. Also, this is University--there are no second chances. It sounds pessimistic I know, but it is true unfortunately. University is not like High School. Teachers won't be sympathetic because you missed a deadline and will definitely not tolerate the fact that your "dog ate your homework" (actually I am impressed that this ever worked). No one will do you a favour just because you are cute or smart. This is an environment that prepares you for the job you will get later on, no one will give you the job if you miss the interview. Does it sound logical now? It does to me. 
This is why missing a test is important, you are not going to write it again. So you rather not study and sit the test anyway (which I wouldn't recommend) than study and miss it. Or staying up late at night and not being able to get up on time to sit the test... Maybe it's fate, Biology and me never got along well! So whether I am able to sit the test again (here is my second chance), or not, this whole situation got me thinking that this is real life and I have to get used to it soon! Plus there is another test coming on in December, I'll set 3 different alarms then for sure! The good thing is that for once I can blame myself without being unfair.


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